Musing Off the Mat

Musing Off the MatThis heartwarming essay collection offers a glimpse into the life of a woman who embroiders her family history on a tablecloth. She enjoys a morning headstand, has perfected the art of baking biscotti, and claims the porch as her favorite spot in the world. With humor and insight, Joyce shows how ordinary moments become lasting memories. Recipes included!

“Very inspiring. The stories touched a deep chord within me.”
-Amazon review

“Keep this book somewhere you can get at it when you need a break from a sometimes overwhelming world. The author’s insightfulness and self-deprecating sense of humor add spice to the sweetness in this book making it balanced and enjoyable.”
-Amazon review


Judge Review: 25th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards:

The author shares her life—her family, her hobbies, her positive world view—through a series of essays. The essays are uniquely the author’s, but themes of home, food, and family make it easy to relate to and feel connected with the author. The author’s voice is clear and brimming with personality, humor, and compassion. Not only does the author invite others into her life, but she also invites her audience to look at their own lives differently, with fresh eyes. The stories demonstrate a keen eye for detail and emotion, without being bogged down with description or sentimentality. The varying lengths of the pieces makes it easy to dive in and out of the book and hop around to different topics. The loose thematic organization gives the book just enough structure to hold it together without bogging it down. While the essays are focused on the author and her experiences, they also demonstrate a strong empathy for and attention to other people. The cover image aptly captures the tone and content of the book, and it has a very personal feel without making the book seem unprofessional or like a scrapbook.

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