My TV Interview

Recently, I was interviewed by a local TV station about my books, Musing Off the Mat and Jimmy and Me, A Sister’s Memoir. Take a look!

You can purchase the books on Amazon or

I really enjoy book club meetings, so contact me to arrange a date.

Happy Summer! Happy Reading!


10 thoughts on “My TV Interview

  1. All I can come up with is WOW and you look amazingly beautiful, as well!

    I’m passing this on to all my friends and they will relate and, hopefully, purchase and read your books.

    Thank you Joyce.



  2. Congratulations on your successful TV interview. I am really glad that I got to hear about your challenges of creating, designing and publishing your 2 books. Props go out to Gayle for such thoughtful questions. It is obvious that she did her homework and enjoyed your work.

    Happy Summer,


  3. I couldn’t be more proud of you dear friend. Loved the interview and insight to your process. Wonderful and can’t wait for your next piece. I too waited for Monday mornings to read that blog!


  4. Great interview, Joyce! As with your writing, I think you shine while speaking. You also look wonderful! Congratulations!


  5. Fantastic interview! I like how you explain how you looked at the popularity of the topics and the emotional feedback of your readers to choose what you wanted to publish. Smart!


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